Charity concert door Alphen Opus 2

What a fantastic concert! The theme 'Toward Freedom' that Alphen Opus 2 has associated with this concert is appropriate for the situation in which Lex and his family find themselves; go for freedom for the future.
We enjoyed beautiful music with valuable additions from the choir and soloists. Our thanks go to the musicians, the conductor, the composer, the choir and the soloists! The initiative and commitment of everyone to help Lex and his family is very valuable and means a lot.
The proceeds from this concert amount to €735. A beautiful result. Thanks everyone!
An impression:

Accordion ensemble Opus 2 presents ‘TOWARD FREEDOM’ This concert was put on the agenda at the initiative of Alphen Opus 2 to support Lex in his fight against cancer. A fantastic initiative for which we thank you!
Everyone come and watch and listen to this fantastic ensemble and support Lex!

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